A blog of our college gang that we have often referred to as the Matunga Fishing Club

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Cheeky Traffic single

Today while I was on the way back from my office, the concept of a cheeky traffic single (not signal) just dawned upon me. The Thane Kopri checknaka is a busy place and there are vehicles moving all the time along the adjacent highway with no consideration to pedestrians whatsoever. Add to it the fact that there is no zebra crossing or a traffic signal. The only possible saviour could be the Pandu, who is in this case more interested in earning the octroi bucks over overloaded trucks than play the traffic constable in order to allow a few pedestrians cross the road safely. Imagine crossing this signal during peak traffic hours.

Imagination got me to think cricket and that I was a uncomfortable batsman in desperate need to get to the non striker's end and all I need is a cheeky single. The cars and buses all around were like several Jonty Rhodes, all of them trained to take down the stumps. The only difference here is that there is no baller and I was also one of the stumps apart from being the batsman. As I am getting ready to take the single I am watching all over the field (the highway) for gaps so that I can make a dash across the pitch (the width of the highway) and get to the non strikers end. The pandu played a mere umpire ready to proclaim me as out lest one of the Jonty's takes me down .... That,fishers, is a "cheeky traffic single"

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